EasyAntiCheat (EAC)
Since EAC has adopted MySQL support, it now has the ability to get the EAC enabled/disabled status directly from GSP-Panel's database.
GSP-Panel Configuration
In GSP-Panel you will need to create three configurable options for the game.
- The first option should be a select box named “EAC” with the value of “Disabled=false,Enabled=true”.
- The second option should be a text field named “Rcon Password” with an empty value.
- The third option should be a text field named “EAC Game” with a value of 1 for a Half-life 1 based game or 2 for a Half-life 2 based game.
These first two options can be user control enabled which will allow the user to set the rcon password(not related to server,cfg, just used for EAC purposes) and enable or disable EAC.
EAC Config
When creating the EAC config, make sure the Query is a single line, not multiple.
Server = [Your GSP-Panel SQL server] Database = [Your GSP-Panel SQL database] User = [Your GSP-Panel SQL user] Password = [Your GSP-Panel SQL password] Query = SELECT concat(iplist.ip,':',usergames.port_main) as 'Address', (SELECT usergames_configoptions.value FROM games_configoptions JOIN usergames_configoptions ON usergames_configoptions.optionid=games_configoptions.optionid WHERE games_configoptions.name='Rcon Password' AND usergames_configoptions.ugid=usergames.ugid) as 'RCON', '0' as 'FLAGS', (SELECT usergames_configoptions.value FROM games_configoptions JOIN usergames_configoptions ON usergames_configoptions.optionid=games_configoptions.optionid WHERE games_configoptions.name='EAC Game' AND usergames_configoptions.ugid=usergames.ugid) as 'Game' FROM games_configoptions JOIN usergames_configoptions ON usergames_configoptions.optionid=games_configoptions.optionid JOIN usergames ON usergames.ugid=usergames_configoptions.ugid JOIN iplist ON iplist.ipid=usergames.ipid WHERE games_configoptions.name='EAC' AND usergames_configoptions.value='true'