- Date: 1/10/2012
- Backend upgrade: Yes
- Required: No
- Language file changed: Yes(See Below)
Versions from 1.0.39 forward will require version 4 or higher of the ionCube loader. If you do not have this requirement installed then a white screen will appear.
- Added a 1-click button that will update your GSP-Panel installation if the folder is writable by the apache user and if php-zip is enabled.
Bug Fixes
- Added a check in the Linux installer for LSB functions
- Fixed a region issue on the Windows backend that caused FTP problems
- Fixed a security issue on the Linux backend that caused some servers to be ran with elevated privledges
- “Login As” should now work properly on certain system configurations
Template Files
- admin/header.tpl
- admin/utilities/update.tpl
Language Changes
- 'panelupdate1' ⇒ “Before updating GSP-Panel we recommend that you do a backup of the database and files.”
- 'panelupdate2' ⇒ “A changelog is available at ”
- 'panelupdate3' ⇒ “Updating GSP-Panel will take a couple of minutes, if you want to continue with the update please click the button below.”
- 'updatesuccessful' ⇒ “Update Successful”
- 'nophpzip' ⇒ “PHP-Zip is not installed”
- 'pathnotwritable' ⇒ “Path is not writeable”
- 'cannotfindzip' ⇒ “Cannot locate zip file or install directory”
- 'unknownerror' ⇒ “Unknown error”
- 'errordownload' ⇒ “Error with download”