
  • Date: 3/19/2011
  • Backend upgrade: Yes
  • Required: No
  • Language file changed: Yes


  • Added the ability for administrators to define game log files. This is for games that won't screenlog such as Minecraft and Source based games on windows.
  • Administrators can specify “QuickEdit” configurations that allow users to 1-click edit them by going to the QuickEdit tab when managing a game. These are setup under Manage Games > Configs.
  • Administrators can disable system messages during their session.
  • Administrators will be informed if the server monitor has not ran in the past 10 minutes or if its not setup.
  • Added cpu and memory collection and graphs for gameservers and machines. This is experimental and may need to be adjusted after seeing it on live systems. Please report any problems.

Bug Fixes

  • Client graphs no longer force authentication when the authentication check is disabled.
  • The WebFTP now uses a correct temp path for storing files instead of the templates_c path
  • Server monitor will skip machines that are detected as offline
  • Mumble queries would not timeout properly
  • Fixed detection of paths and cli on certain server configurations
  • FTP CDUP works properly if your using “forced paths” for FTP
  • Linux now doesn't require mkpasswd if using sha-512, passwords are no longer added to the system users as shell access is denied.

Template Files

  • default/admin/configuration/ajax-configlist.tpl
  • default/admin/configuration/managegames-add.tpl
  • default/admin/configuration/ajax-editconfig.tpl
  • default/admin/manageusergames/managegame.tpl
  • default/admin/manageusergames/quickedit.tpl
  • default/client/managegame.tpl
  • default/client/quickedit.tpl
  • default/admin/machines/graphs.tpl
  • default/admin/manageusergames/graphs.tpl
  • default/common/message-header.tpl
  • default/admin/machines/ajax-addip.tpl