- Date: 10/19/2010
- Backend upgrade: No
- Required: No
- Language file changed: No
- Added a {user} and {uid} replace to $strings>GameReplaceVars.
- {user} - The username for the system, specifically for linux
- {uid} - The user's id
- Windows firewall control
- Will add the executable to the firewall when a new gameserver is added, if the firewall is active.
- Will remove the executable from the firewall when a gameserver is removed.
- Added a verification check to the FTPd to prevent against a certain type of DoS
Bug Fixes
- Mumble variables were not being replaced properly, specifically AdminPassword and Port
- Windows backend fix for file interaction when the file is in use
Template Files
- client/managegame.tpl
- admin/manageusergames/managegame.tpl
- admin/manageusergames/ajax-locations.tpl
- admin/gameservers/ajax-gameserverlist.tpl
- admin/clients/clients-summary.tpl