Table of Contents

Game Troubleshooting

Game does not start

If your gameserver does not start, try following the debug instructions by logging into a main administrator, navigate to the gameserver and then click “Management” > “Debug”


Game files don't copy

If the game files do not copy when adding a game to a user check the following:

Cannot install the gameserver, all servers are above the quota

This error can be caused by the following:

Some required information is missing

You may receive the above error when trying to install a game server.

If you receive this error please confirm the following:

No machine was found matching criteria

This game server is currently locked while a task is taking place

Chances are you received this when trying to delete or edit a game server that has one of the following tasks taking place:

If you believe a task is stuck you can delete it by going to Utilities > Tasks as an Admin.