GSP-Panel has a quota system which is disabled by default, once enabled and configured this system will help prevent a server from being over-loaded with game servers.
Quotas can be enabled by going to Configuration > Settings > Select “Enabled” for “Server Quotas”.
These quotas are set per machine, so once the feature is enabled browse to Machines > Edit and you should see “Slots Quota” and “Server Quota”. We also allow you to set per-game quotas which can be set on the Machines > Edit > Games tab.
Slots Quota: The maximum number of slots the machine can hold
Server Quota: The maximum number of game servers the machine can hold
Per-Game Quotas: The maximum number of game servers for the specified game on the machine
Please note that all quotas are checked when trying to find a machine to install a gameserver onto, if any of them would be exceeded then that machine will not be used. You can leave quotas blank to disable them.
We have released a new load balancing feature in 1.0.79, this feature requires quotas to be enabled and configured. This feature determines the preferred server order by quota ratios, not system resources (CPU, Disk, Ram).
A and B represent two different machines, all balancing is done on a percentage of utilization which includes the new gameserver.
A and B have no utilization, favor neither A has no utilization - favor A B has no utilization - favor B A has less gameserver utilization than B, favor A unless - A and B have equal game utilization - A has more slot utilization than B, favor B - A has more game utilization than B, favor B A and B have equal gameserver utilization, favor neither unless - A has less game utilization than B, favor A - A and B have equal game utilization - A has less slot utilization than B, favor A - A has more slot utilization than B, favor B - A has more game utilization than B, favor B B has less gameserver utilization than A, favor B unless - A and B have equal game utilization - A has less slot utilization than B, favor A - A has less game utilization than B, favor A