'scheduledtime' ⇒ “Scheduled Time”,
'noscheduledjobs' ⇒ “There are no scheduled jobs”,
'scheduler' ⇒ “Scheduler”,
'scheduletype' ⇒ “Schedule Type”,
'badcrontime' ⇒ “Invalid time specified”,
'noscheduletype' ⇒ “No schedule type selected”,
'nosyscontrolid' ⇒ “No syscontrol ID selected”,
'missingugidoruvid' ⇒ “Missing ugid or uvid”,
'servermonscheduled' ⇒ “Server Monitor has already been scheduled”,
'scheduledtaskadded' ⇒ “Scheduled task added”,
'notaskspecified' ⇒ “No task specified”,
'scheduledtaskdeleted' ⇒ “Scheduled task deleted”,
'schedulermethod' ⇒ “Scheduler Method”,
'local' ⇒ “Local”,
'gsppanel' ⇒ “GSP-Panel”,
'schedulermethodtooltip' ⇒ “This is the method that the scheduler will use to run the scheduled tasks. Local requires you to manually add each task to crontab(Linux) or task scheduler(Windows). The GSP-Panel method will utilize the GSP-Panel servers to call your scheduled task, this requires your server to have an externally accessible
URL and a purchased license. This method also enables the ability for users to schedule restarts, stops, and starts for their servers.”,
'scheduler1' ⇒ “Scheduled tasks can be ran two different ways.”,
'scheduler2' ⇒ “Local - Requires you to manually add each job to crontab(Linux) or the task scheduler(Windows).”,
'scheduler3' ⇒ “GSP-Panel servers - Use our servers to call your scheduled tasks, we recommend using this method on shared hosts, windows web servers, or if you don't have experiance with crontab or task scheduler. This method also allows clients to enter in thier own scheduled tasks to start, stop, or restart their servers. In order to use this feature you will need a purchased license.”,
'scheduler4' ⇒ “You can select the scheduler method in”,
'scheduler5' ⇒ “it is currently set to”,
'syscontrol3' ⇒ “System Control's can be run on a schedule by going to the”,
'schedulerrequireslicense' ⇒ “The GSP-Panel scheduler requires a purchased license, if you have a license then you can ignore this informational message”,
'schedulerswitchlocal' ⇒ “Switching from the GSP-Panel scheduler to the local scheduler will delete all scheduled tasks”,
'schedulerrequiresgsp' ⇒ “The Scheduler method needs to be set to GSP-Panel to use the scheduler.”,
'scheduleraccess' ⇒ “Scheduler Access”,
'schedulerservermon' ⇒ “You can schedule the server monitor by going to the ”,
'youcanonlyhave' ⇒ “You can only have”,
'scheduledperserver' ⇒ “scheduled tasks per gameserver”,
'diskusagealert' ⇒ “Disk usage alert”,
'diskusage' ⇒ “Disk usage”,
'unknown' ⇒ “Unknown”,
'servermondiskusage' ⇒ “Server Monitor - Disk Usage”