Table of Contents

Variable Replacement

The following variables are usable in emails, command line, event scripts, addons, updates, and config templates.

Standard Variables

{Username} - User's username

{First name} {name} {Firstname} - User's firstname

{Last name} {Lastname} - User's last name

{email} - User's email address

{password} - User's password

{panelurl} - URL to access panel

Game Variables

Along with the standard variables listed below, you can also use any configurable option variables setup for the specific game.

{uid} - The users ID

{user} - The users system username

{ugid} - The users game id

{PORT} - Game port for the users game

{Query Port} - Query port for the users game

{Rcon Port} - Rcon port for the users game

{Custom1 Port} - Custom port 1 for the users game

{Custom2 Port} - Custom port 2 for the users game

{Custom3 Port} - Custom port 3 for the users game

{Custom4 Port} - Custom port 4 for the users game

{IP} - Internal IP if defined, external if not

{IP Alias} - The domain alias for the IP if one exists

{External IP} - External IP

{Internal IP} - Internal IP

{Main IP} - The machines main IP address

{HomeDir} - Users home directory, Ex: C:\users\testclient

{GameHomeDir} - Games home directory, Ex: C:\users\testclient\

{GameDir} - Game directory, Ex: C:\gamefiles\css

{FilesLocation} - The server's game repository directory. Ex: C:\gamefiles

{FastDL} - The URL for the gameservers FastDL service