Table of Contents

Event Hooks

GSP-Panel has a hook system that allows developers to bind to core events. In order to use hooks you will need to create a plugin and place it in includes\plugins\plugin_name\plugin_name.php. A skeleton hook plugin can be found in includes\plugins\skeletons\hooks.php.

Hook Points

Hook Variables Return Description
servermon_start None None This is called when the server monitor is started
servermon_end None None This is called at the end of the server monitor
maintenance_optimize None None
maintenance_optimize_override None None This overrides our standard maintenance procedures
game_query_replace Array of game information Array of game information This is called when a game is queried for the status
addon_installed Users game ID, Addon ID None This is called after an add install has completed
game_suspended Users game ID None This is called after a game server is suspended
game_unsuspended Users game ID None This is called after a game server is unsuspended
gameinstall_finished Users game ID None This is called after the user's game has been installed
backup_completed Users game ID None This is called after a user's game has been backed up
loadbalance See below for more information
rcon_override Same as RCON::SendCommand Same as RCON::SendCommand This is called when a game is issued an rcon command from the console


This is called when a new game server is being added or moved to a new host. This allows you to over-ride the default load balance algorithm.

Variables (Passed as a key-value pair)



Here is our hook file that will be placed in includes\hooks\example.php

use GSPPanel\{Plugins, Email};
class Hooks
    // Plugin meta data
    private $name = "Skelton Hook Plugin";
    private $url = "";
    private $description = "This is an example plugin that binds to hooks";
    private $version = "1.0";
    private $author = "GSP-Panel";
    private $type = "hook";
    // Returns an array of plugin details
    public function PluginDetails()
        return array("name" => $this->name, "type" => $this->type, "url" => $this->url, "description" => $this->description, "version" => $this->version, "author" => $this->author);
    // Initialize the plugin
    public function Init()
        // This is called when the plugin is loaded
        // This is a good place to check any custom databases, bind events, setup variables, etc
        // Bind to the addon_installed event which will call the addon_email function with a priority of 1 (first addon_installed hook to get called)
        Plugins::getInstance()->bindEvent("addon_installed", get_class(), "addon_email", 1);
    public function Install()
        // This is called when the plugin is enabled
        // return true for a successful install or false for a failed install
        return array("status" => true);
    public function Uninstall()
        // This is called when the plugin is disabled
        // return true for a successful uninstall or false for a failed uninstall
        return array("status" => false, "error" => "Unable to install plugin");
     * This function is called when addon_installed event is triggered
    public function addon_email($ugid, $addonid)
        $addons = array("4");
        // If the addon is in the above array, send an email
        if(in_array($addonid, $addons))
            Emails::SendMail(array("subject" => "test", "content" => "your content", "email" => "[email protected]"));